Time on My Hands
Being on time has always been important to me. I am of the school that if you are early, you're on time. If you are on time, then you're late. When I went into business, I applied the same principles. There are tons of caterers in DC, so I decided my superpower outside having great food would be timeliness.
A few years in, with more clients and having growing pains, I started to feel overwhelmed. I was at the doctor, and my blood pressure was erratic. We talked about what I could do as a simple, non-medicinal hack. We decided that I would stop wearing a watch.
In today's world, there are clocks everywhere to tell you the time. A watch does not make you on time. A watch makes you painfully aware of how we're always looking for more time. So no watch of any kind for more than a decade.
Jump to 2019. I get a Fitbit. I love my Fitbit, but I might have to give it up too. All this "data" is impacting me. I do not get enough sleep, and some nights are worse than others, even if I go to bed at the same time. I spend a lot of time awake or in light sleep, not enough in deep or rem sleep. It tells me that I don't walk enough steps, exercises enough, or drink enough water. What did I get myself into?
Stress eating is a pastime I'm sure we've all picked up this year. I remember in college, people use to talk about the freshman 15, and I know people are talking about the pandemic 15 pounds they've gained or more. 2021 is coming, and people always promise to do better in the New Year. People promise to eat better, go to the gym, and improve their health. I don't usually fall into that trap, but as much as I complain, the honest truth is my Fitbit is encouraging me to get my act together. Only time will tell.